Some things are more important than others. Like coffee, for instance. Coffee is extremely valuable to me. Can I live without it? Yeah. Do I want to? Nope. Truth be told, I think about it a lot. Especially when I’ll be traveling. It’s a comfort to me and I like to keep my life cushioned with those sorts of things.
How about you? What valuables have you captivated?
Last night our dinner table conversation turned to inflation, the cost of goods, and the gold standard. Our 16 year old daughter has been working on a History project and had a gazillion questions. Our little talk helped me remember a little lesson I learned a while back. The lesson was about control.
There are some things in life that we have no control over.
Like, finding good coffee on a dusty corner in Sierra Leone, Africa.
And then, there are others, that only we have the power to govern.
Like, determining what’s important to us and why.
This week I’m kicking off a #TabooTuesday series focused on talking about the squeamish topic of money. If you desire you can download the Motivate Your Legacy guidebook here.
So often, we associate money with a question rooted in “What?”
What can I get?
What do I want?
What should we do with…?
Instead, I believe that the BEST place to determine the worth of money in our lives is to ask, “Why?”
Why is money important to me?
Over the years, I’ve worked one-on-one with clients to help guide them into a deeper understanding of why money is important to them. To do this, we go through an exercise called The Values Mountain. It’s really a conversation beginning with the simple question…”Why?” Then, building from that initial answer and continuing to ask deeper questions will reveal the essence of your money motivation.
In one case, I had a woman discover that her deepest desire was to give gifts. It’s the thing that made her feel most alive. She had never associated the language of her heart to money and in doing so it answered a handful of life-long questions. The uncovering also did these two things:
1. Showed her a glimpse into her identity. The ways she was using money to bless others.
2. It exposed a big problem. Overspending.
Here’s the thing with what we deem as valuable, it’s our passion, the thing that motivates us to do good in the world. It’s known to get messy though when money stands in our way. Emotions tend to overrule and sometimes that causes a hiccup in our financial world.
The good news it this, awareness is step 1.
You might be thinking that a values conversation with yourself is a waste of time. Wrong. Want to get your big girl panties on this year and make some changes in your money world? This is where you begin, by asking the why question. Writing it down is helpful.
From here, all else stems. In the coming weeks when we talk about organizing, making money, cutting expenses, getting deals, or saving for a dream vacation…the root will always come back to the value (why?) money has in your life.
Tonight at 7pm(central), I’ll be joining my husband LIVE on a free webcast. We will dive into the subject in greater detail. I hope you can join us! All you have to do is click on the link here. Easy, peasy. Hope to see you tonight!