The last words Jane’s husband said before he died were “Do Good!” That was two years ago today.
Several weeks ago Jane reached out to me, asking if I could help her with an outreach project to honor her husband in a special way. She told me that this year, she wanted to do something, she wanted to motivate others to live out his final words and Do Good.
Her campaign is a pay-it-forward, if you will. An encouragement to her friends, family, and complete strangers to Do Good for someone else today in remembrance of her beloved. Jane decided to kick off her campaign with cookies and cards.
And she wanted me to help.
Often times when I get cookie orders, I spend my baking and decorating time thinking about the people I’m making them for. This particular order was no different! The whole idea brought tears to my eyes many times.
I love the idea of taking a man’s legacy, his final words, and moving it forward. Would you join with Jane today and do something good, or kind, or generous for someone else?
She has created a Facebook page where you can share your Do Good act of the day! Click here to witness the beauty unfold today and throughout the week.